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43rd ASEAN Innovation Business Platform Conference & Exhibition

Wednesday, 20th September, 2023, 43rd ASEAN Innovation Business Platform Conference & Exhibition an event was held in Ritz-Carlton Hotel Jakarta, to discuss digital transformation in the retail and financial services sector in Indonesia. The event explored several key issues including the role of technology in sector transformation, critical changes in organizational mindsets, the role of data and data security, and collaborative efforts between private and government organizations to overcome scale and maturity challenges.

Agus Utomo as General Manager of Operational Cikarang Dry Port had the opportunity to be one of the panelist speakers with the theme “Agile Technology – Enabled Logistics”. The use Agile technology – enabled logistics has become increasingly important in Indonesia to address the challenges of its unique logistics landscape, but key pain points remain, both for urban logistics and transportation and cross-regional movement of goods and resources.

In addition, the discussion covered the importance of the change in mindset and innovation required by organizations in Indonesia to adopt and integrate new technologies. Data and data security were also an important focus in facilitating this transformation, ensuring that customer and business data remains secure and trustworthy. The event has provided a deep understanding of how technology, innovation, data and cooperation can shape the future of the sector.

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