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Head of Customs & Excise Office Cikarang Visit to Cikarang Dry Port

Tuesday, July 4th, 2023. Souvenir Yustianto, Head of Customs & Excise office Cikarang, Republic of Indonesia visited Cikarang Dry Port. It was his first visit to our dry port facilities, together with the KPPBC TMP Cikarang team. The visit was welcomed by the Board of Directors of Cikarang Dry Port, Noor Yusuf – Director.

As international dry port serving export and import activities, flow of cargos at Cikarang Dry Port is closely monitored by Customs. The visit was to establish a cooperative synergy between Customs and Cikarang Dry Port.

Thank you very much for the visit. Hopefully, it would tighten the cooperation and synergy between us as dry port operator and the Customs.

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